Unlock the Chipotle Code to Grow Your Church

Reach the next generation by using Chipotle's playbook

A Story

In a quiet town named Cypress Grove, stood the Cypress Grove Christian Church.

Like other churches in the area, it bore the weight of time—its white paint flaking, its steeple slightly tilted.

But beneath its aging exterior was a community that thrived on connection, unity, and faith.

Pastor John, inspired by the way businesses around him were thriving by connecting with the younger generation, decided it was time for Cypress Grove Christian Church to embrace change.

He started with short clips of testimonials—real people, real stories.

Mrs. Hargrove, the elderly pianist, shared a tearful memory of how the church choir helped her cope with her husband's passing.

Young Tommy recounted finding camaraderie in the youth group after feeling lost when his family moved from the big city and settled in Cypress Grove.

And then came the ‘Day-in-the-Life’ series.

Pastor John gave the world a peek into his sermon preparations.

The choir’s video of their weekly practice, filled with laughter, wrong notes, and spontaneous dancing, became an instant hit.

The authenticity of the church resonated, especially with the younger crowd.

One video showcased a bake sale fail, where a tray of cookies was mistakenly made with salt instead of sugar.

The video caption? "Even in our mistakes, we find sweetness." The comment section exploded with laughter and tales of similar baking disasters.

The church's Instagram hosted "Share a Prayer" Sundays, and the stories that emerged were heartwarming, heartbreaking, and everything in between.

Sarah, a barista from the nearby café, even shared a prayer for the lonely souls she sometimes noticed while serving coffee.

In a surprising move, that same café started a 'Blessed Brunch' on Sundays, giving special discounts for church attendees.

Meanwhile, a collaboration with a popular Christian influencer on YouTube brought an influx of visitors eager to experience the church's community.

But it wasn’t all smooth sailing.

Some campaigns flopped and some received no traction, yet Pastor John remained unwavering.

He held community meetings, gathered feedback, and shifted strategies, much like a captain steering his ship through stormy seas.

Months later, as the pews filled with new faces—young and old—the essence of Cypress Grove Christian Church remained unchanged.

They were still the same congregation that supported, laughed, and prayed together.

But now, they had found a new way to share their light with the world.

How Chipotle Is Reaching the Next Generation

"Gen Z is the most digital-native generation ever. They're used to consuming content and interacting with brands online."

—Brian Solis, digital analyst and author

The inspiration behind the story you just read comes from Chipotle’s latest campaigns to capture Gen Z to work for them. 

Chipotle is ramping up its recruitment drive with the latest installment of its "Behind the Foil" ad campaign. 

These ads feature candid testimonials from current employees, shedding light on what it's like to work for the chain. 

Targeting a predominantly Gen Z audience, the brand also plans to use social media to share behind-the-scenes content. 

These moves are part of Chipotle's larger strategy to be more visible, relevant, and appealing, especially to younger generations who value authentic stories and experiences.

Unlock the Chipotle Code to Appeal to the Next Generation

Your church can take a page from Chipotle's playbook by creating your own "Behind the Pulpit" or "Life in the Congregation" campaigns. 

Here are some tips on how you can leverage this campaign strategy to attract more visitors:

  • Real Stories, Real People: Create short video clips or social media posts featuring testimonials from congregation members or church staff. Share what makes your community special, whether it’s the sense of belonging, charity work, or even the church’s musical talents.

  • Target the Youth: Just like Chipotle is attracting Gen Z employees, churches could use platforms popular among younger audiences, like Instagram or TikTok, to share their messages and testimonials.

  • Day-in-the-Life: Offer a behind-the-scenes look at a day in the life of your church. Show how the sermons are prepared, how the choir practices, or even how the community outreach programs are run.

  • Showcase Authenticity: Transparency and authenticity are highly valued, especially by younger generations. Don’t be afraid to show the real aspects of church life, warts and all. This can make your church appear more approachable and relatable.

  • Engage on Social Media: Gen Z prefers searching on social media. Leverage this by having an active social media presence, answering questions, and providing information about upcoming events or sermons.

  • Interactive Campaigns: Similar to Chipotle's text-to-win codes, consider engaging online campaigns like "Share a Prayer" or "Verse of the Day" contests where participants can win something small but meaningful..

  • Collaborations: If Chipotle can team up with Capcom’s Street Fighter 6, churches can certainly partner with local businesses or Christian influencers to offer something unique. 

  • Track and Adapt: Monitor the effectiveness of your campaign, gather feedback, and be willing to adapt your strategies as you learn what works best.

By adopting some of these techniques, churches can create more engaging and authentic campaigns that could attract new faces to the congregation.

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