Stop Sending This to Your Audience

Use these proven methods with your church to reach a wider audience

A Story

In a world full of noise, cut through with authenticity.

Maya Angelou

As a former member of a large marketing agency, I wanted to find something less stressful.

So I agreed to a new role in a mid-sized church as a marketing strategist. 

The church was known for their community outreach but had a tough time getting new visitors. 

I knew that video was the way to go and envisioned real-life stories of faith, hope, and transformation.

The series would feature interviews with church members who had experienced life-changing moments, either joyous or challenging. 

The major hurdle wasn’t getting buy-in from leadership but was our minuscule budget.


To cut costs, I used AI to write scripts, create interview questions, and even helped in editing videos.  

This approach allowed me to work within our financial constraints.

However, integrating AI in video creation was met with mixed opinions. 

The resulting series was a beautiful blend of heartfelt interviews and AI-enhanced storytelling. 

We featured congregation members sharing their stories, complemented by AI-generated graphics and animations that vividly brought their experiences to life. 

The church's unique character emerged in each video. 

The response exceeded our expectations. 

The videos resonated not just within our church but also reached a wider audience, attracted by the authenticity and emotional depth of the stories. 

This success validated my strategy, in that authentic video content helps to form human connections.

Each video, and each story, was a step toward fostering a more connected and inspired community, both within and beyond the church walls. 

Inspiration for the story above and the summary below can be found here.

Content That Connects with Your Audiences


Videos are a great way to tell stories and connect with people. 

Even though videos are becoming more popular, not many businesses are using them as well as they could.

Here's what a major study uncovered:

  • 67% of marketers think videos are more important than last year.

  • Only 7% of marketers are using videos to their full potential.

  • Many companies are making videos in-house versus hiring an outside vendor. Most of the time these businesses aren’t making enough videos or doing it consistently.

  • Even though businesses say videos are important, they aren't spending as much money or time on them as they should be.

Making good videos can be hard. 

It takes time and it's tough to remain consistent. 

Some businesses are starting to use AI to help make videos, and your church can as well.

It’s also important for videos to connect with people. 

It's not just about telling all about your church; it's about sharing real stories that people can relate to. 

Even though videos are a powerful tool, many churches feel they could be doing better with them. 

They think they need better plans, more money, and better ways to show their videos to more people.

Videos should be part of a bigger marketing plan. 

They should tell a story and fit with other things the church is doing. 

It's not just about making a lot of videos; it's about making good ones that mean something to the people watching them.

This took 1.75 hours to write. 😃 Thank you for taking 10 seconds to share.

P.S. Did you miss the last newsletter? Catch up right here with Why Hiring a Graphic Designer Could Elevate Your Church


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