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How Your Church Keeps Great Volunteers & Employees

Use these proven methods with your church to reach a wider audience

A Story

Take Care Of Your Employees And They’ll Take Care Of Your Busines.

Richard Branson

Veronica was the engine of the marketing team. 

While others chugged along like reliable commuter trains, she was like a bullet train, tearing through deadlines and goals, leaving a trail of amazed colleagues and envious competitors. 

Yet, leadership failed to recognize her. 

Awards were given to those whose efforts led to very little, and promotions bypassed her like forgotten luggage at the airport carousel.

One day, an impossible project landed on their desks and morale dropped.

 But not Veronica’s. 

Her eyes gleamed with the challenge, a predator spotting prey. 

She rallied the team, her enthusiasm infectious. 

They brainstormed, strategized, and drove forward, fueled by Veronica’s positive attitude and drive. 

Sleep became a luxury.

The night before the launch, Veronica collapsed from exhaustion.


Her colleagues were shocked. 

As they cared for her, they realized their success was built on the foundation of Veronica’s silent sacrifices.

So they vowed to change. 

They presented the campaign, not as a team effort, but as Veronica’s masterpiece. 

The product became an instant sensation.

Leadership finally recognized credit where it was due and Veronica was promoted to team manager and even provided an assistant. 


Veronica, no longer the invisible force, became their leader, her talent guiding them to even greater heights. 

In the end, it wasn't just Veronica who was recognized, but the power of valuing, nurturing, and celebrating the heroes, the unseen driving force in the company.

Inspiration for the story above and the summary below can be found here.

How Churches Recognize Top Talent


Top employees are like superheroes. 

They do an amazing job, solve problems, and help everyone else get better.

Here's how you can tell if someone is a high-performing employee or volunteer:

  1. Consistent Excellence: They're always doing a great job, not just sometimes.

  2. Results That Pop: They get things done well and you can see the great results.

  3. Problem-Solving Prowess: They're good at figuring out solutions to tricky problems.

  4. Team Player with Impact: They work well with others and make the whole team better.

To keep these star employees and even volunteers happy and motivated, your church  can try a few things:

  1. Recognize their Efforts: Just like in a company, it's important to acknowledge the great work these people do in the church. Maybe have a special mention during services or a thank-you note.

  2. Involve them in Decision-Making: Let them have a say in church activities or projects. It makes them feel valued.

  3. Create Opportunities for Growth: Offer them chances to learn new skills or take on new roles in the church.

  4. Keep Tasks Interesting: Challenge them with new and meaningful tasks that keep them engaged and excited about their work in the church.

People who work hard and do well love to feel appreciated and involved. It makes them happy and keeps them motivated!

This took 1.75 hours to write. 😃 Thank you for taking 10 seconds to share.

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